Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Bloody mess....

I havent even tried to log on to the game for maby 2 weeks? Why? It feels like entering the world of zombies. You say hi and your lucky if 1/10 says hi back to you. No matter if its raiding hour or any other hour. It feels like entering a big depression. And tbh, the social bit is all i get out of it atm since the flying around and doing stuff bit makes me feel sick. So 2 weeks off... Maby its time to log back on soon and say hi and see if people pulled themselves up now? This being pregnant bit and gaming bit dont seem to work so good together atm. Today i walked in to 15(weeks) +0(days). It means im 16 weeks pregnant (i have started my 16th weeks and thats how they count. Very confusing at first tbh). But they say your morning sickness will pass, but it hasnt so far and it feels like im going over the weeks where it will end. I might have to get used to feeling like this all the time until the baby comes. Horrible thought! I dont know what to do with the game if that happens. But im thinking of taking away my visa details on blizzards billing page... I pay for 6 months in advance and next time i need to pay is in like january or feburary. And the baby is due in feburary. I wont have the time for the game then! Its all a mess atm. Its not like im the most hard person to replace there anyway so i dont have to feel like i  have to or that im letting people down.

I dont want to game atm just because i get the motion sickness on top of my morning sickness. Yesterday i started to vomit blood. So i had to go to the doctors. And that alone takes all my energy even tho it takes me 5 min to walk there... At least its not my old ulcer from 10-11 years ago that has come back. I have just been vometing so much it comes from the throat. It just cant take it no more... So i got some medicine to heal that and some medicine that might help with feeling so sick. Being pregnant is not how i imagined it to be... I thought i would be able to sit now and do alot of gaming, being social again. But no, i cant even walk outside my own house for more then 1 hour without having a price to pay for it...

But dont think the gamer inside me has left! Oh no, its there more then ever. Since i lay in bed all day working on not vometing (i am so ready for that part in the exorcist now, i have even the sound effects down to the most scary sound) or not trying to break mentally, i have been playing other games. To be exact Diablo 2 and yesterday i also started playing another old time favourite (it seems old games are not as bad when it comes to motion sickness) Black & White 2. Black & White i just started yesterday so i have a long way to go before anything really happens. Now im just trying to make them to breed and build stuff they want me to build. But Diablo 2 has been going on for a long time. And it has been fun! Not only because its a classic game, but Alex has been playing it a bit to. Strange thing is that one time he got a bug where he can have millions in his chest and he gets loads of orange runes. He is lower lvl then me ffs =P Hes not suppose to? Can diablo 3 live up to the expectations since 2 was so good when that came out? Dont think they stand a chance tbh... Not only have they made the game an online game that makes me wonder if its another game i have to pay for the cds and then pay to be able to log on, they are mixing real money with an auction house (just like wow except the real money bit). Why do they do that? Diablo is one of the games i love just because i dont have to log on somewhere. Its on my pc and no where else. I think they are making it to obvious that they want to earn money more then making a game good that we all have been waiting for so many years. You dont think they wont take their cut on auction house when you deal with real money? Think again... Has Blizzard become to big to fast for their own good? I think alot of players will be disappointed in Diablo 3, specially if it comes to ps3 as i have heard it might. It just dont feel like Diablo! I have applied for testing the beta but still no word so i guess i wont get the chance. To bad, since it probably would cheer me up a lill bit. Unless they made the graphics so good it triggers motion sickness. Lol.

I dont seem to talk to alot of people now from wow. I do miss that...

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