Thursday, 11 August 2011

Im telling my secret now

So, now i can finally say why i have had a hard time playing hour long raids! Im pregnant! So now we can add another positive thing the game has given me. If it wasnt for the game i wouldnt have met my Alex. And we wouldnt be expecting one now. But ofc, we wouldnt be having a baby if Shadowtour didnt have a heart to heart with Alex about the subject =) Today we have gone 12 weeks and 1 day. But being pregnant has not been a vacation! There where some complications in the beginning and we thought it was all over. Against all signs it wasnt. And i have felt so sick! Normally when you have the stomach flu you get over it within a week. This has been a ongoing thing since 6 weeks and 4 days. We are very happy parents to be =) And it seems he has connected with the baby better then me. But maby because he hasnt been sick. Sometimes i have been crying wishing myself dead. It does take a toll on you. You can really feel your hungry but dont really want anything. You start to plan whats easy to get up. So gaming has sufferd alot! I havent caped myself every week like i maby should have. But the thing is, the game cant be paused. If i do a random with a pug group they wont take a break just because i need one for 10 min. And i do tend to push myself way over the edge. I did one evening. I thought it was a great idea to raid. The next day i was a wreck! When we where done i started to feel less hot. Then the day after it was still going on and getting worse during the day. But it was fun. It is starting to itch in my raiding nerve again ;)

I have been chasing achievements on Babylove. And i have created Babymama. My new little shammy healer. But everyone seems to be a shammy healer now. Grrr ;)

I am curius how i am going to combine my gaming life and a baby later. But lets face it. The first time of the babys life im going to be like a mage. A vending machine. Who dosent think cake or food when they see a mage? ;)

So, im trying to take care of myself and do all whats good for the baby. I think its going to be worth it =)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Baby,

    Melankolic here. I'm afraid I haven't had the time to log in to WoW as of late (however I hope to be back sooner rather than later.)

    Anyway, I'm here to wish both you and Alex 'CONGRATULATIONS' on your news. Hope you are both keeping well and I look forward to catching up with you both in game soon.

    Fantastic news!

    All the best, Melankolic x
