Thursday, 31 March 2011

It wasnt just luck

Valiona and Theralion wasnt just luck, we did it today again. Felt good even if it was a bit of a struggle sometimes. Im gonna be a bit sarcastic now. It feels so good to be listend to when i say stack tighter and no one listens. I mean, its not like i know what im doing. Im just there every time (except the ones i dont get picked for since we rotate). *end of sarcasm* Wonder if its cuz im a girl or if im to "motherly" since i do have a good contact with ppl? I can do both... But it does look cool on my screen cuz there im first out of the shit (it is a bit different on ppls screens cuz of delay and stuff. Me and Alex have compared once when we did a thing and i was first on my screen and he was first on his. But second out on my screen is a guy i really respect. Hes not only a good raider but a man with good ideas and very fun to talk to. And i have gotten used to his voice when he says "move". Even when he says move when we are not suppose to i stay my ground. That is a good thing to get confirmed i am thinking for myself, and not need the help all the time. And im very glad the markings worked for me today. Sometimes i cant see what or who is marked. How annoying isnt that?

I feel really bad for another member that got the word about his granddad died tonight. Even if he had the chance to go and say goodbye i know it hurts. Death always does. Strong of him to keep on raiding. Specially when ppl where yelling at him so i told the one in charge to take it easy on him... One of our members and a friend i have been missing have been away for a while. Didnt tell me where. But maby it was for the best. I would have been worried like hell if i knew. I know, i worry to much. But isnt that what you do when you really like someone? ;)

Same old drama goes on behind the curtains. But im in my little bubble but still trying to keep supporting their feelings about it. What else can i do? A person has the right to feel....

So, i have a raid for sunday. BWD that might not come off since its an alt run and ppl that didnt get picked will be able to come there (they get picked over alts) 3 of us have teamed up to give support. But with so little ppl on we might have to pug it or cancel. I dunno... Just really hope that wee can go. It would mean alot to me and the other 2. And i have to rad up for monday about Ascendant Council since we got the 2 drakes down. Im not sure if we can do it cuz i didnt get a great look at it. We died a bit to fast ;) Untill then i am free as a bird. Dunno what i will do with my gaming hours but probably get a  bit of more valor points (at raid nights it feels like i dont have time to do my daily hc, i dont want to keep others waiting for me to be ready even if they keep me waiting).

Miss my old team alot. I had some rules up fpr them that they could get the job to expain tactics or get a question about the boss so they better come prepared. I was very hard on flask and food to be done. They had 15 to fix that and i didnt accept late turn ups. And they started to get involved thinking of what to change in the tactics so it suited our group. Got everyone involved and everyone got to be important. So bad the expansion came out and split us up. We really had a thing going there.... 

Time to say good night to the boys and men and get to bed. Been like a zombie all day =(

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

A bit time off the game

I havent been playing alot the passed few days. And today im way to tired for it tbh. And i have BoT tonight! Maby its best to save myself for that.

One very interesting thing happened in the guild... We had a player thats named Deathshelper on the server that got into the guild. Without even having a main or a lvl 85 for that matter. But was closing in on it. She seemed very social and all that. And she said she was 14 years old. Dont get me wrong, i dont mind playing with the young ppl that are around as long as they behave. But every time we get a 14 year old girl it seems they are emo or have another thing that makes me wonder what they really are thinking. We where a few joking around about smelly taurens and wondered if they used Gillette. Just some random fun imature jokes. But it worked for us and the mood was really good. And then she came in starting to say it was silly and stuff. And to that story is that she complained about someone hacking her account for the second time and stole another 1k from her before we started to joke around about the taurens. Like someone said, we didnt tell her she was stupid that got hacked all the time. We even tried to give her tips on how to secure her account. I gave tips for the second time in a few days about it. It really pissed some of us off real bad. The thing is, to come into a guild where ppl have known each other for a very long time (we have alot of family enjoying the game there) and start to complain and insult saying everyone are idiots and wish that everyone gets cancer dosent really give you friends. So a few of us started to insult her back. Some ppl might say its bad of us to attack a 14 year old girl (she did get kicked from the guild eventually), but we have kids younger than that in the guild and they can behave alot better than her. We even have as young as a 12 year old. When we know he comes on to vent for example we try to mind our language in a different way. We always remind the others when he goes online. And that is to show respect for the young ones. And ofc to their parents. But this girl is the second psycho one we get in the guild and she said that all she really wanted was to ninja our guild bank. And i wonder why her best friend hacks her account ;) If she shows as little respect to her friends as she does to strangers she really had it coming if you ask me.

You dont have to love everyone, but you have to show respect to everyone. We are a big family and even if some are a bit rough and call each other nab and stuff for fun, if anyone starts to attack we stand very united and its good feeling.

There are still some things going on behind the curtains and it feels like i convince someone to stay every day. It will get better, just hang in there. I think this new expansion has turned everything upside down atm. But it will get better. But i think im gonna try to not care to much either if someone decides to leave. It is a knife in the heart but what can you do? If someone dosent like it and feels left out, taken for granted etc i cant be there all the time either. I am not an officer and its not my job. Some ppl will always stay very close to my heart and i would do alot to keep them but... In the end its just a game where your suppose to have fun and relax from daily life. Not to make it your life. Even if some of us has the game as a huge part of our life cuz we enjoy it so much. Real life will always come first...

Dont ever come and attack my family and friends. I will be a bitch to you ;)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

2 days off

I have taken saturday and sunday off from raiding. If we would have had the ppl on yesterday we might have done it but.... we didnt. Dont mind it cuz i was really tired last night. We even went to bed before 00.00 and thats not every day. But it was good to get some rest. But i was getting sick again last night so i ended up going to sleep at the normal time, if not even more late cuz we had to set the clock forward one hour tonight....

I just hope i can get well so i can play a bit more again. Cuz tomorrow is raid night ;)

Saturday, 26 March 2011

We did it!!!!

Good news first! We did it. We finally got the dragons down. The plan for today was really to go to BH and get that one out of the way for the week. But, our side had some troubles today getting it... But since we didnt get it and ppl wanted to do something since we where so many on we decided to go back to the drakes. We did a few goes and sorry to say but one of the members had to go so we replaced him with one of the ppl thats normally with us. Love to hear his voice again btw, i feel i do much better cuz im so used to hearing his voice call everything out. And yes, i was second dps on this fight. Go me =) I really feel im getting somewhere with my main now. Im getting the rotation better and i feel i learn faster and thats always good news =)

We where in there for about 1 hour and 15 min. Considering the hours we have put into it thats not alot. I guess my non gaming friends think its nuts to spend so much time just doing one thing. But the thing is, as long as everyone keeps working together and we can laugh at some things and we can cry together about some, its really worth it. Some have a football team, some have another thing going on. Its all about teamwork and being able to socialise with the group you have. Even with the ones you dont like. Cuz you cant control everything. And thats a life lesson. To get along with ppl you get really close to and to get along with the ones you dont like as much... But ofc we have alot of good ppl so thats not a problem for me atm =)

Here i got bored for a bit and started to put everyone on levitate. They where going thru the tacts and i was bored. We had one that hadnt done the fight before that i know of, but i have done it so many times now i dont need to freshen up my memory any more. Maby if i dont see the fight for a few weeks i might have to tho. But everyone didnt want to get levitated. They recently made that from a 2 min thing to a 10 min thing. But i did discover something really funny today about that when we where 2 ppl putting it on a hunter so we could walk on water. The hunter got the levitate from the both of us, they didnt stack or deleted the other one witch i find a bit strange. But i guess things like that will be fixed in the future. Blizzard can be a bit slow on things like that =P

I have been doing archaeology a bit today. And whoho! Im gonna make a ring with ilvl 359 and its account bound! How awesome isnt that?! Its one of the things iwas hoping to get. A few other things i still want is the dwarf pet (think its dwarfs anyway), a trinket and i think there was a robe 2 but since i have a set item there im a bit torn about that. but on the other had when and if i ever get my mage up (im gonna lvl it buy farming herbs all the way) that one could use it 2 so.... And a good thing about being me is that my spirit turns into hit so i can use all the stuff with spirit on. Only bad thing is if they have some sort of extra buff that says something about healing... I get more to pick from than say a mage or a lock. Sometimes you have to be lucky 2. And my class and my spec normally has it really bad on being given anything cool. Last time they took away our AoE. But it wasnt to bad since i now do a better job at bosses. And they are the ones that counts in the end.

There is some drama going on behind the curtains today 2 that i wont get into very deep. But sometimes i do wonder what i can do about it. Can i make anyone feel better or make the realize how much we value them? I wish i could tell all the ppl that are feeling insecure atm about alot of things that its all going to be ok. Just ride the feeling out and i know, things will change. Feelings always change. It isnt easy and i have a good gaming support system and know how lucky i am. I have my hubbie and another family member to lean on in bad times (dont want to mention ppl i know value their privacy alot). When i freaked out i didnt use that support system enugh and made a very bad choice. But ofc, for some ppl moving on is sometimes good. But i do wish they dont since i hold them dear. But we are a big family and what family dosent have drama going on? I think even the best and loving family is =)

I am very very happy about what happend tonight. Now its gonna take me a long time to be able to get to sleep. All the adrenaline pumping around for me... And it feels wonderful being a girl and kicking alot of dudes asses! Who says we girls cant play games?! ;)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Not today again! =(

One of my favourite guys came back to raiding tonight. Awesome! Welcome back synth, i have missed you alot. Think one of my other favourites are comming back tomorrow. Mike, i cant wait for it. I have always had a good time with him and hes been away for so long. He used to be a huge support to me back in LK when i was raid leading a team. In the picture are some of my favourite peeps to play with (and yes, i do have alot of favourites).

It felt like we most of the night looked at this. Being dead. But i think we learned something and thats what counts.

Here is a picture of us in combat. I feel i have to many add ons blocking the way. recount always shows damage done over all our time in there and my other (cant remember the names of them all) Always shows damage for this fight. Very useful for me since i dont do very well on adds. But i guess its the boss fights that counts. Whats not cool is that when we 9-man it there was so little health left on the boss we thought we where gonna do it. But it turned out to be just as close as yesterday if not even more close! Maby one of those weeks? If we can do the same next week it would be awesome.... But how will i be able to see things better on the screen? I feel i did a good job tonight.

I got more and more irritated during the evening. First we sit around for 45 min before we can even get a group together. A few no-shows and some that didnt sign up came and helped out. Tehn after 45 min a few didnt have flasks and food. Ofc those who came in in the last minute i can understand. But sometimes i wsh ppl had the same attitude as me. Always log out raid ready just in case for all specs. Its what i have done all the time and what i always expected from my group when i was raid leading it. And then a few things happened and my anger just came building up im so glad my hubbie was the only one that heard what i said tonight. I didnt act like a lady... Very angry at alot of things. But i guess thats the way it goes... Not my thing to deal with (and thats the beauty of not raid leading, other ppl get to take care of the crap behind the scene and i get to log out and not think about it) But my dear hubbie got so angry he had to leave and wont be raiding for a while. Witch is a shame cuz i LOVE to do things like this with him. Keep in mind, this is what we shared when we met and this is something we prob always will share. Its a family game.

Enough complaining, tomorrow there will be a BH run that im looking forward to alot. Hubbie arranged it so i know it will be a good one =) And its an easy place once you have done it tbh. Says the DPS ;)

Now i need to watch something to unwind and get into a less angry mood or i will never be able to get to bed.... And i have a thing to get up to on sunday!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Kick ass! =)

Didnt think my dps would be so good during magmaw even if that fight is suited for me since everyone else has jobs to do ;)

But it did! So magmaw is now my fav boss so far in BWD =) I do feel a bit proud of myself that i have managed to raise it so much cuz i had alot of trouble in the beginning with all the changes. Go me =)

We got Omnitron down and had a look at Maloriak. The guild hasnt gotten it down yet and we didnt do to good the first tries, we always ended up dead after green phase. But the group was awsome tonight and i hope and think everyone did their best. Even if its a bit annoying to see that some ppl dont use the food buffs and not always cata flasks. Specially since we had 2000k left at the last go on Maloriak. Someone from the group told me the flask buffs dosent matter that much. Maby to Insidia (ty you twats for saying the adds are to easy so blizzard amps them up so much), but to us that are more casual and dont kick out Insidia dps, i dont agree.Did someone not have the flask or food buff in that last fight. would those 2000k been doable? Sometimes i thought we where gonna make it but if it wasnt the enrage thing or someone dying we so would have nailed it. But i cant see any problems for us to not take it down next time. Im really excited about it. And most of all i had a really fun evening. Concidering the problems of ppl not showing up and to little ppl online for a while so we had to start an hour late. Awsome we got to do some in the end. Think continuation is on monday.

Tomorrow, BoT ;)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Time to get my thumb out

Its really time to get my thumb out now and make sure i keep on to this blog. There has been some drama going on in game. One of the things that took me the hardest and had a huge part in why i moved server was due to another player. He told me he was dying from brain cancer. I was one of the few that got to know about it. At least thats what he told me. After a while someone /w me from his account saying this person had died now and that i was in his will. For a few hundreds of thousand dollars. I would had to go to an Arabic country to pick it up. I was gonna get my flight paid, get a 5 star hotel room paid and a visa to shop while i was there. Ofc i didnt believe a thing. When something seems to good to be true it often are. And i tend to attract nut jobs where ever i go... But it didnt end there! He had broken up with his gf before he died and now she was pregnant. And he wanted me to take care of his kid that wasnt born. To raise and to love. The person behind the account felt very aggressive and in the end really scared me. So i reported the account to blizzard and removed him as a friend. Another girl in game was gonna get a game card so she could get the mount she was after, but still months later she still havent got the mount. Good thing i dont believe in stories like that! What would have happend if i did and had gone over there? Was i gonna get killed, raped or held captive? Ofc all those thoughts might be a bigger thing in my head than it was, but its hard to trust ppl in game right away and even more after he did this thing. Like a friend said. If he is dead its a sad thing, but if he is alive and pulled this as a joke then he is dead to us. I moved away for a few weeks and was out of the guild for over a month. This person had a huge part in why i was freaking out so much. Unless i inv ppl to my private life i wish to only have a gaming contact. Laugh and have fun with all the things going on in game. Not to sit and hear i need to take care of someone else's baby.  I dont even have kids on my own yet for  a reason. The time is not right.

It can be hard to be a girl in the game. I think we need to be a bit more aware of what type of ppl we have around us in game. We need to not be to sexual, we need to lick out a dps that dosent put us at the bottom of a dps chart and for me personally, be able to support the ones that have a rough time in their personal lives. At one point this went a bit to far and i had 5 suecidal ppl talking to me every day in need of support. And i couldnt game cuz i was talking to much. Now i have found a more mature bunch that surrounds  me and returns the favor of giving support. its all about giving and receiving. Not to give and take. Maby we girls have it harder in game and have to be as close to perfect as we can be, but when you find the bunch that sees you for you and the fun you can have together and respect how far you can be pushed... The game is a perfect place to relax from daily life =)

There are some ppl that i couldnt give up in my mind and that didnt seem to judge me for leaving both guild and the server. Just alot of love seemed to be sent my way. In my heart i think i new where my home was and i needed to see another server and other ppl to understand what a huge mistake i had done. But the family welcomed me back and now they will have to kick me to get rid of me ;)

Atm i try to get into as many raids as i can with my main Babylove and lvl up my hunter Babypain when time lets me. I dont understand how ppl can find the time to get so many alts and keep them geared! I find cata very time consuming even if they are making hs to have almost no cd, the mount lvls has dropped etc... It feels like they make it more for everyone and the ppl that dosent have alot of time. Still, i cant find the time to have to many char =)

Time for me to get moving and make dinner. Have a raid tonight and need the energy ;)