I havent been playing alot the passed few days. And today im way to tired for it tbh. And i have BoT tonight! Maby its best to save myself for that.
One very interesting thing happened in the guild... We had a player thats named Deathshelper on the server that got into the guild. Without even having a main or a lvl 85 for that matter. But was closing in on it. She seemed very social and all that. And she said she was 14 years old. Dont get me wrong, i dont mind playing with the young ppl that are around as long as they behave. But every time we get a 14 year old girl it seems they are emo or have another thing that makes me wonder what they really are thinking. We where a few joking around about smelly taurens and wondered if they used Gillette. Just some random fun imature jokes. But it worked for us and the mood was really good. And then she came in starting to say it was silly and stuff. And to that story is that she complained about someone hacking her account for the second time and stole another 1k from her before we started to joke around about the taurens. Like someone said, we didnt tell her she was stupid that got hacked all the time. We even tried to give her tips on how to secure her account. I gave tips for the second time in a few days about it. It really pissed some of us off real bad. The thing is, to come into a guild where ppl have known each other for a very long time (we have alot of family enjoying the game there) and start to complain and insult saying everyone are idiots and wish that everyone gets cancer dosent really give you friends. So a few of us started to insult her back. Some ppl might say its bad of us to attack a 14 year old girl (she did get kicked from the guild eventually), but we have kids younger than that in the guild and they can behave alot better than her. We even have as young as a 12 year old. When we know he comes on to vent for example we try to mind our language in a different way. We always remind the others when he goes online. And that is to show respect for the young ones. And ofc to their parents. But this girl is the second psycho one we get in the guild and she said that all she really wanted was to ninja our guild bank. And i wonder why her best friend hacks her account ;) If she shows as little respect to her friends as she does to strangers she really had it coming if you ask me.
You dont have to love everyone, but you have to show respect to everyone. We are a big family and even if some are a bit rough and call each other nab and stuff for fun, if anyone starts to attack we stand very united and its good feeling.
There are still some things going on behind the curtains and it feels like i convince someone to stay every day. It will get better, just hang in there. I think this new expansion has turned everything upside down atm. But it will get better. But i think im gonna try to not care to much either if someone decides to leave. It is a knife in the heart but what can you do? If someone dosent like it and feels left out, taken for granted etc i cant be there all the time either. I am not an officer and its not my job. Some ppl will always stay very close to my heart and i would do alot to keep them but... In the end its just a game where your suppose to have fun and relax from daily life. Not to make it your life. Even if some of us has the game as a huge part of our life cuz we enjoy it so much. Real life will always come first...
Dont ever come and attack my family and friends. I will be a bitch to you ;)
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