Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Sweet raid!

Had a wonderful time today raiding. Me and Alex decided that with the lack of ppl coming to his raid and the other group struggling it was better for us to join them. And poff we had a team for tonights raid. So fun! So many ppl where there i havent raided with for a long time and all my other favourites where there. Some where ofc missing but then it would be more then a 10-man ;) Yes, i have more then 10 favourite people to raid with. And all the drama and disturbances where gone now and we laughed at wipes again. It was so awesome! 2 cloth drops tonight but i had equal stuff to what i had so i didnt need to roll... But, i got my valor points so hurray for me! One of the rolls where kind of fun (but so hurting for the one that lost) He rolled a five and she a six (out of 100). What are the odds?

Where did we go? A little bit of BoT and a little bit of BWD (with a voting system that i notice the group likes more, i assume its cuz its the most "fair" way to do it). And tbh it felt like i didnt have to repair as much. But omg where those elementals in the stair annoying today, they even kicked me off once and that was a long time ago. But nameplates where broken so i didnt know how far down the stairs i could go and i could kiss seeing the marking goodbye! So annoying that that happens every time i raid (havent done much gaming since it has been so nice weather where i live).

Only thing that annoyed me is the dude that lives next to me. He plays music with a base and the base sounds the same all the time... for hours. And i have even yelled at him. So in the middle of the raid i had to go and bust my hand against the wall. But im gonna do my best to get him evicted. Dont cross me ;) But that was a minor thing cuz my team brought my mood up in a heartbeat. Many thanks to everyone involved tonight! I loved it =)

Here i am getting ready for the stairs i dread so much. Concentration and working nameplates is the key for me! I am that little shadow thing sitting down

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