Saturday, 16 April 2011

Who do you think everyone is?

Well, there was a raid that didnt go well. It tends to be alot about being irritated so wensday was a disaster in my eyes. I heard it was talked about how attitudes have changed and stuff during a period on wensday. I was not there so i dont know what was said exactly and i cant say if people meant for change or not but i am just gonna have to wait and see. I have learned that even if people have the right intentions to change its very hard to do. And havent we all tried to change something about our selves and seen how hard it can be? I tend to see what can go wrong but i always see it as a happy surprise if it goes the good way.

So on thursday i was offline. And on friday i was only on for a little while so i was there for the BWD raid that wasnt gonna go off. And today.... The last argument really took the fun out of the game for me. Call it moody, call it a female thing to dwell but i just dont like to be where i pay to have fun isnt fun. Then i rather just do something else. So i have been hooked at another game that i love so much. Lord of Ultima (LoU). I am a freak when it come to build things in games. So i have been upping my rankings there and really working my ass off. And now my screen frame is covered with pink post it. Am i a gaming nerd? =S

I was talking to another person in the game a few days ago and i got to learn more about him and his personal life. Its so funny how we think someone is a certain way and they have some profession you wouldnt bet on. Or some that gets chocked when i say alot of ppl from south afrika plays the game. Even me, as a gamer i have prejudices about my fellow gamers. You dont think ppl with a huge pay check would game but they do. There are several celebrities that plays wow. I know one person talked about it on Letterman and said one day when she spoke someone understood who she was. Me and names dont go together but it was a girl in that 70's show who is a spoiled rich girl that gets everything she points at. For you to figure out who she is ;)

Who do you think everyone is that you play with? Do you think they have a life outside the game? Some ppl have a surprisingly social life outside the game too. And jobs. And i dont think everyone is very smelly ppl. Even if gaming does make you sweat alot sometimes. Cant wait for the summer and near 40 degrees Celsius indoor. And at worst afternoon to evening when the sun stands on the windows to half the apartment and builds up the heat. At raid time :P

Sitting and thinking about some people and i see we have a wide bunch that would never have met if we didnt have this in common. Since we all are so different there would be no other social network to meet up at. Maby thats useful for me in real life? To meet other type of people than we meet in real life maby forces us to respect people in another way. Most of us i would say. Like where ever you go there is idiots you cant agree with, people you wish went somewhere else. And often they do. To the other idiots ;)

Very interesting to learn more about other people and their lives. What gets them up to live every morning. Are they positive or negative? Do they give energy or take it? What can they learn me and what can i learn them? A guild is a team. Not the teams in the guild. The team is the guild. Specially now with the achievements and the oncoming guild weekly and all that guild lvling that takes ages (but fun). Think its great of blizzard to make us work more and more together. But thats from me and i like teamwork. Suppose alot of other people have a different view on that =)

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