Sunday, 29 May 2011

Weekend of farming for inscription

This is the place i have been going around in circles in. Havent seen alot outside of this area...

This weekend i have been spending almost all my gaming time. I have been after a deck for dark moon fair. On friday i was only missing one. Four of embers. But when i woke up on saturday morning i got it as a gift in my mail. Ty Mos! Ill say it again, i have the best family in the world! But i have kept on farming cuz i kinda need the money for a faster fly mount. Those Allys are only good for one thing and i know what after a weekend out there. Herb snatching! Now i know they are there for a reason =P But i could really use faster fly mount so they dont fly passed me and steel everything. Interesting enough, mornings and all days of the weekend has been perfect for farming. But during the days of the week it dosent work. Only the mornings. Guess the hard core gamers farm during daytime during the weeks?

I did one other good thing today. Started to level my DK today. It had just dinged 64 so i wasnt to positive about dinging again. But i did. So now my DK is at level 65, not bad since i have been sleeping so much during the day today and worked on my plants on the balcony. Go me =)

Tomorrow its time for raiding again. I think... Not sure if its up in the calendar (i should have accepted if it is). I guess im just getting in to the routines of raiding monday, wensday and thursday? I have to read up more about thursday. Im really having trouble understanding why things are going as its going at one of the bosses. But i have a few days to get the tactics down better. Hopefully my nerves wont gt to me when its time for raiding. Will be interesting to see how people are behaving and IF they have read what they are suppose to do. Im a bit curious about one person that has signed up for THAT raid. Never seen him/her raid before. Still an alt but i think he/she joined a few months or so. Never seen that person raiding. And signing up for that night seems a bit strong. But i could be wrong. Pepole might know him/her and it might be a real good player. But tbh i think its mostly about getting raid repairs... Why would you sign up for a raid first when you asked about how you get a promotion? And only one? Now when we are getting a ew bosses down more easy it will also be more easy to get a promotion i think...

Anyway, looking forward to see what happens next week =)

Friday, 27 May 2011

Been thinking all morning...

I have been thinking all morning about last night and my feelings about the raids before. It felt like it was turning last night. Buti think i know why i was so upset before. We used to be good friends. And i saw my friend change in a way that i didnt like. Its going to take some time to build it up again, and get the same feeling back. But im really hoping i do get it back. Its always good to reflect and learn something from yourself. Its a part of life...

All i can think of is the wand...

So... I have been playing my dk alot the passed few days. And i really feel its going well. But the looks of it. Cant really make up my mind about the hair! Its driving me insane. Didnt like the ball thing on the head. Looks weird from behind. So i changed it but it dosent scream "evil dk" to me. What do you think?



Farming for decks
I have been trying to farm alot on my mage. It will get my dk well rested, and im trying to get the set for the deck. Only missing one card for one full set. Not to bad since i havent spent alot of days trying to. Just a bit now and then... But this weekend im gonna farm a bit so we can get cauldrons for the raids. Not fair if only a few starts to collect for them when i actually can... But ofc i wont sacrifice the whole weekend for it, i go insane after a few hours farming. Bad baby ;)

Shes hot. No soubt about that! Grrrr....

Magmaw was the only one we didnt struggle on this evening...

So, most of you thats following me knows that i havent been to happy about the attitude during raids. Alex said something today that made the officers talk. Dunno what they said but it seems to have worked. I do hope it works in the long run and it wasnt only for today. But im still not comfortable talking on vent alot. Probably did it more tonight, but still... Very hard...  I am aware i have been throwing out insults. But i have felt so many come my way. And to gain my respect you have to show me respect. I do see us all as a big family. We laugh together, we whipe together, we succeed together but we also fight as family does. And when you spend so many hours together its kinda hard to avoid.  But i wouldnt take back a thing i said. I meant every word. And its not to hurt anyone. Its just how i see it from my angle... And now i know i wasnt the only one being madly frustrated and it wasnt just told to me (Maby they finally understand what i say goes in one ear and out the other?). Sad to hear it in one way but happy to hear i wasnt sensitive. Shad told me once to grow some balls. And i have noticed it even works in real life. Thats the proof that gaming isnt a waste of time. You can learn stuff thats usefull in real life.

Im gutted after a trash drop. Teresa's wand... Everyone who knows it knows it has my name on it (you know what i mean). Gobby rolled 73 i rolled 34. I am not really sure why it landed in my bag, but it didnt feel right to keep it. Even if gobby wasnt there that drake he had a really good excuse. He was running in with his mage after tanking on his warrior. So it didnt feel right to keep it. But omg it really hurt me. So now all i can think of is that stupid wand! I can only imagine what it would do to my dps. I wouldnt beat shad, hes a hunter. They dont count =P The thing is the same thing always happened to me in ICC. If i remember right it was the council drop in there, and always someone else (someone new or a pug) that won it. And here its trash drop. First time i have seen it... I can only prey for more to drop. But there isnt to much trash in there and very few epic that drops. But the main thing is that its gonna help the group in the long run no matter who gets it. But on a personal lv i want to steel it =P I wonder if god is messing with me...

One thing is annoying me about facebook. I have my blog connected to it. But sometimes it takes days for it to come up. Whats up with that? If they have a function like that isnt it best to make it work better before you put it into use? To get it up within 12 hours? Maby to much to ask for? There was a little discussion about facebook and how much more easy it is to use on the mobile. Its a bit confusing for alot of people to do it on their pc, and i have to agree. Before all these games and functions it was easy. You wanted to do something and you found it. But now its like a old version (and much better) on the mobile. Its like cooking, if you use everything you have at home its not gonna taste well. And that is how facebook feels like now. A huge mess and to much info about crap. Take this voting thing. I havent seen any of my foren friends vote on this and that, but alot of swe people do. I ask myself why. Its not like i care what people think about what car is the best, or what type of dog is best. What is best for you is to stop the voting. But i guess im gonna have to clean up my friends list a bit again... Did stray a bit from the game there. But most people playing wow is also on facebook? With a few exceptions...

Its going to be a struggle for me to feel i have the respect again for some. But we girls are like elephants (guessing there will be a comment about this. lol), we never forget. I know research have proven we remember stuff people do so we can find the perfect one to mate with. But i have a good man so i guess i cant put my "memory-card" in the head on something else. Lol.

But atm im planning for real life stuff. I hope they come true so i can tell you in a near future what it is. But for now its going to be a secret ;) Im a master at keeping secrets =D

I did have fun and for some reason i love the dirty jokes the most. Even if i wish i havent heard some of the stuff the guys say =P I have so vivid imagination... But maby i like it cuz its how it used to be? The feeling of everything being ok? I dont know. Time will tell. Im just glad i had fun tonight =)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

More pissed then yesterday...

Sometimes i hate this game. It really brings out emotions. Sometimes it brings out the happiness, sometimes you get worried if something wrong with the people i raid with but sometimes it f-n pisses me off.
I hate this boss, and since you can never tell where your going its hard to read up on stuff the same day to be reminded of what to do

Been sitting and thinking this morning. I wont go for the raids next week. I am not sure i will raid until i feel i dont have to have 3 people defending me. I am not sure if im going to raid until there are some serious changes! I whispered with someone last night speaking for me sometimes (im not gonna say who it is. I feel i want to keep it a secret so he at least gets listened to in the future. But ty for being there hun). Then a healer had to defend me. Alex had to defend me using a gong to early. Sure, even if he told me to use it a bit premature i should still be good enough to time it. But as soon as someone except a few thats trusted with jobs does the wrong thing there is a f-n attitude! I miss my old team. Even if someone made a mistake they still got to do their job and be involved. Making them grow. There is a team, not a few people in the raid. Can that be why we dont make progress as we want to? There are so little ideas and one huge ego?

So why am i being so honest? I dont write this for anyone else but myself. And if the shoe seems to fit, maby it is your shoes... But im loosing respect. And if i cant respect anyone im just gonna brush them out. I might wait for a second team where everyone is valued and where people get to grow. But ofc i wont wait forever.... To bad since i love the people that has a bone of respect for others in them. But in the end i have a plan if this fails for me. I know alot of people are seeing what out there and making a crisis plan for themselves. But im not mentioning it to anyone, cuz when i told them it was going this direction they didnt want to listen. Whats wrong with men/boys (constant pms?)?! Men can complain all they want about being the only guy around 9 girls, but being around 9 men can be very frustrating! They soooo often act more like girls then girls do. Without the annoying high pitched voice. Oy oy...

To talk about something thats a bit more fun. I have started to understand dks are not a gift from the devil. Now that i understand the rotation and function of the character a bit more. Ty Alex hunnie. Without you this wouldnt be possible =) Im not to patient with new characters =P
There is alot of clothes i got in the dk starting area. Can tell you she dosent look as good now after this weekend and a bit of time in outland. Ish...
So i spent the most of the weekend playing my dk more then any other character. Was tbh very hard to get back into the priest rotation at the raid last night. Mostly cuz i use the numbers on the keyboard and the mouse to klick spells at the same time. Cant do it perfect every time i change character. Like sometimes i think im on my mage when im on my priest and stuff. Am i the only one having that trouble? =P

 I have gotten 100 quests. But for some reason the achievement screen shot add on dosent seem to work proper. Is it a bit picky about what type of achievements it wants me to remember? =P

 But it seems to be on when i get a new rep with someone.

And also i wanted to say thanks to Gobby. He asked me alot of questions yesterday about being a shadow priest and what spells to use in what order. It felt good that someone actually see me as a player and person. Im a girl, im really easy. So ty for making my evening a bit more easy to endure... Really love having some people around. They bring so much positive energy to the raids. Just wish everyone could be like that. Even if i only talked about Gobby here, you are more that brings the positive in!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Why do i die?

Been doing a bit of raiding tonight. Gonna make this short and write more about it some other day. And update my new alt im lvling up. A DK (didnt think i would do that tbh but im getting help from Alex understanding it). Anyway, we did Chimaeron and i died all the time. I kept my range, i stacked when i should stack and i was over 10k in health. So what went wrong? I have no idea... Not only does that piss me off but it pisses me off when SOME people dont listen to the healers when they sit and watch me being over 10 k. And im sitting watching my range like a mad one. I dont even focus on the count down timers thanks to that. But thats not an issue when i have DBM. Im gonna read up tomorrow but im starting to think i need some time off raiding. Im getting more and more irritated as time goes. Why? Same old problem. Use the ears god or nature gave you! I can do other things then standing around like an idiot. Im actually better now at raiding then i was in wrath. And i know it! Im more aware of my surroundings and dont panic all the time...

I dont want to explode... I really dont.... Just listen to what im saying im having problems with and dont start yapping about some shit i already have in my head. Specially when i say exactly what i have a problem with. Ahhhh.... Driving me nuts! Gonna think about that raid before wensday so i can decline if i feel like it....

This song is a song i really like. And this is what i can feel when i hang with dudes. And if anyone knows me a bit they know i sort of only spend time with dudes. Even if i sometimes think they are 4 year old girls ;)

Just give some respect and you will get it back! Thats how i work... Easy?

Friday, 20 May 2011

Shadow priest 4.1 pve spec

So i was thinking.... There are so little shadow priests around and i can understand that. They are hard to level up, the rotation can be a pain. I think i know why so many people gives up their shadow priest. The rotation is to simple. If you come from a char like druid, mage or pally its not as complicatedas them. Your looking for a complicated rotation that isnt there

. This is how i play my character. Probably isnt the best rotation but it took me 5 min on youtube to find this rotation and understand it.

Rotation for running forward at start: Shadow word: Pain -> Devouring plague -> Vampiric Touch -> Shadow word: Death (use it as often as its off cool down since you will self heal the little you loose) -> Mind Flay
Rotation when standing still at the start: Vampiric Touch -> Shadow word: Pain ->Devouring plague -> Shadow word: Death (use it as often as its off cool down since you will self heal the little you loose) -> Mind Flay.

Mind blast is only used when its activated by you mastery (3 orbs)

Make sure you always have your dots up. If you need to cancel you spells for any reason (like omnitron) make sure to use your Mind spike One time (since it stacks and do dmg)

How to not go oom: Since your spirit you pick up will be hit you mana regeneration its very hard for a shadow priest when recently dinged 85 to get you mana up. So i have made up a little rotation for the spells you get you mana back at. Your hymn has a 6 min cool down. If your in a raid and it takes some time in there make sure you use your Hymn of hope early in the fight. But also make sure you wont use it in vain so that the healers have used up enough mana for you to use this spell. You might even be able to use this one 2 times during the fight if you use it at the start.I tend to try and activate my Archangel (evagelism) as much as i can so it turns into Dark archangel (Dark evangelism) But sometimes it is better to use Archangel since your healing is better then restoring your own mana. Keep a nice balance and keep track of your healers and if they are struggling to keep the groups health up. Shadowfiend is nice to pop since it dosent only restore your mana, it does damage to. Sometimes it can be useful to know the fight you will be doing since you need tons of damage at some phases in raids. And if your like me being a blood elf you also have Arcane torrent that restores some mana. But since it has a stun make sure thats not needed (i have been on this job when we havent had enough classes with interrupts) Make sure you use your spells for mana regents depending on your group and what time they have on cool down!

What stats im looking for: Hit cap is what you need to focus on first. For raids you need 17% (like all casters) It can be hard to nail exactly 17%. Better to be a little over the cap then under the cap! Second you need to try and work on is your haste. I dont have a magic number for that. Crit works but nothing im looking for. And master is at its best for a shadow priest at 12. But its not a huge deal if your a little bit under, specially if your trying to get your hit up! Intellect is on all the items you need so, you have what your gear says you have. ;)

Gems: Try to gem after your gear so you dont have to reforge as much (its a bit to expensive to reforge for my taste but... Something thats just a have to) Make sure you use the gems with the hit, haste and intellect (this is good if your mana pool is a bit to low, you can also tell when your if you need more intellect going oom faster then you can keep up with cool downs is the biggest sign)

Minor glyphs: Glyph of Levitate
                        Glyph of Fading (this is for mana cost reduction)
                        Glyph of Fortitude
Major glyphs: Glyph of Inner Fire
                        Glyph of Fade (This is for the cooldown to be shorter)
                        Glyph of Spirit Tap
Prime glyphs: Glyph of Shadow word: Pain
                       Glyph of Shadow word: Death
                       Glyph of Mind Flay

 Here is my PVE talent tree

Last thoughts: Your Fade! Use it! If you put down some spells when the tank pulls you can always fade when you hit 40-60% to give the tank back his aggro but get some extra damage in. Dont do it to be at the top of recount. Thats normally when focus disappears. Alot of bosses are about survival. But thanks to fade im normally one of the last people to die. And very nice if your close on getting the boss but people are dropping like flies! And the repair bill isnt as high as the rest of the others. Not as good as a hunters Feign Death but.... We cant all fake it ;)

Monday, 16 May 2011

Getting into the gaming again

So this weekend i have been playing alot more then i usually do. And considering that i do a million things here at home atm it must mean that im getting back into it and the fun of it. Got another real ID this weekend to. A person i have gone to school with, so no creepy Blackie ;) I had a crush on him from first grade to 7th grade or something. Also got my first kiss from him. Anyway, now we are friends on facebook and since we both are gamers and share an interest, not only memories, it felt good. Besides, he has gone real far in his progression comparing to me so now i got a friend to ask tactics for if there is something i dont understand. Super nice =) But my mage (Angelbaby) has been what i have worked on for hours. She is now the respectable level of 84. Could this mean i have an alt to gear up soon? I that have a problem doing my valor points weekly thing on my main. oi oi oi...

 So last raid wasnt one of my favourite runs. Instead of going to BoT that we where suppose to do we ended up in BWD on the boss we only had one go. I got a bit irritated. Thing was for me i really needed the valor points of 1 boss to be able to buy a back. And i really needed the drakes to go down. Why? They had a back and a head i really wanted. If the head whould have dropped i knew i could spend my valor points on a back. And if the back would have dropped i could have keep on saving for a head.... Perfect scenario. Now we didnt get the drakes down. I have noticed the raid starting to make mistakes at the end of a raid (i am assuming everyone are tired and getting unfocused just like me)

Anyway, we got that boss down i BWD And i didnt do so bad tbh. I dont know who was left in the end, but i know i was one of the few alive. Anyone else that knows who was still alive at the end? So my dps for that boss ended up in the top.

 Recount for the boss we did in BWD. But like i said, alot of people died thats why i ended up in the top. All hail fade!

I keep on doing good at tries at bosses. But i did reset it before due to tank switch

This is my wonderful priest. This is what she really looks like. Out of her shadow form and all. I tend to change her hair and stuff now and then. Depends a bit on what she is wearing. Yes, its a fashion show to!

This is my not as cool mage that i have been working on. She has herbalism and inscription. Very useful to make the cards! Maby that has been my motivation. Its much more easy then doing archaeology. Talking about that, the neck from there is the best a shadow priest can have atm (exceptions are hc raids witch i dont do so thats the best for me)

 Ok, i wanted to take some screen shots for the blog. But after i normal screen shot it looks like this! Whats up with that little bug? Make sure the shot is perfect, you only get one try....

So i have been thinking up another tactic in the stairs that i think can be more efficient then the one we use now. I hope i can get a saying in this next time. The thing is when the shadow one comes at us all i get is a debuff that easily can be dispelled. All that happens when the fire one comes is that i get pushed back. So if i take those adds and make sure i have my back in the right direction i could take them myself. That means we get more dps on the adds and the stairs will go faster and smoother? No pets ninja pulling, i make sure they dont blow up near the tanks... Could it be something they want to try?We will see. My ideas dosent seem to welcome all the time. Lol. But it makes more sense to me...Besides, if i keep on dotting the adds (they go down so fast anyway) i will only goo oom (dots take alot of mana). 

I will prob game tomorrow and hoping we dont loose the connection. The wind is gonna be 13m/s (kind of windy considering our village is surrounded buy fields and the landscape is flat. But it makes it a perfect b-day. Sitting in gaming and doing nothing special. I will have a b-day lunch tomorrow with Alex. But since its gonna be real windy and cold outside hes coming home instead of me coming with a picnic. I will celebrate proper when i turn 30 ;)

Well, we will see tonight if we can get the drakes down and do the council. Time to see  more vids and try to freshen up my memory (i rely on that to not make so many mistakes at bosses).

See you! =)

Thursday, 12 May 2011

So as you can see we did BWD last night. I had so much fun while we did it. Gobby was a little devil in the beginning (and it was so fun to hear that side of him) And everyone where in a good mood joking back. There was one incident at a new boss i had to use my leap of faith, Gobby told me to do it and i marked the wrong person. Lol. Then i was suppose to talk and say what i wanted to say but i just tripped on my tongue. Lol. Mort said it wasnt my fault but i think it was. I should have been more aware of my surroundings and what was going on with my fellow players. *slaps myself on the wrist*

Did an enchant of the staff i won this Monday. It looks so cool! Both shadow look and some fire look on it now. I look hot!

 I hate Toxitron the most when im the only one that has a slow in the group. Tanks and healers are ofc extra important for me to notice when they get fixated on.

I dont like that Omnitron fight tbh.... And my first thought when we ran in to start the fight was to tell Nyor he forgot to put the lightwell down. I rely on that so much at that fight. Felt like i didnt have as much control this time. Isnt it funny how we get into routines even in a game? Its like the Valiona fight, as soon as Gobby isnt there to take command we cant do it. Maby cuz we all say it sometimes and not sign someone special to do it? And what i did find from my group was that when i started to delegate work lie that they where more likely to do the fight right and read up before we started it. =)

We got Maloriak down in the end. It is one of my fav fights so far. But i can see why its not everyones favourite. Like tanks and the third tank...

Tonight its BoT. We have 13 sign ups so im not sure if i will get picked. We have rotations going on the people that sign up. Trying to make it as fair as possible to everyone. I havent been sitting out much, only twice. I was sick one time and said i didnt mind taking the night off, so it can only be counted for a half time ;) If there hadnt been enough people on i would have gone. Here you have the girl that rather have a bucket ready to vomit in then miss out on a raid. Tharrak told me once when i did it he thought i was crazy. But i rather be having fun then being sick. And im used to being sick. If i would have listened to my body every time it starts to act like am idiot i wouldnt be having so much fun. But ofc, its always a balance to know when your making a mistake and when its good for you.

I think today could be a good gaming day. Been talking to Shad and he always makes me smile and feel happy. I really have found a bunch of friends that often acts more like friends then the real life ones. Maby gamers have more heart?

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Ill start with the bad news. One of our top healers has left they guild. We are a few that has talked to him and been given a little different stories, or maby a puzzle bit each? Maby it all was true? But i still have a huge amount of respect for this player and i wish him the best out there in the big world =) Just hope that he will come back one day...

But for the good news now. I won a staff this monday! Woho! Epic drop on trash, but the funny thing is that it didnt only drop one time, it was 2 times so both me and Mos where happy. And when we downed bosses we only got drops that people in the group wanted. Now that is a great run! We had alot of fun again. Its nice to see thats an ongoing theme on the raids again.

Im hoping that we can play tonight again, but there might be thunder coming our way and then we have to pull all the plugs and stuff. And im really scared of it so i need to fill my phone with some great music just in case ;) But i really want to go tonight cuz its a new week now (wensday is the new monday) and its gonna be all the easy bosses and stuff.

I dont have any pictures to share today, but i do have a song i have been listening to alot during raiding (and a few days around it 2), it has mostly gone on repeat with 5 other songs ;) It also makes me think of Sir Finckleburg when hes out for military stuff...

Hope you all enjoy this song as much as i do!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Dps is good but i dont feel it...

One of the bosses down but no cloth for me so im stressing on to prepare for the next boss
It looks like im climbing and climbing in my dps but i cant really feel im super duper even when im at the top. Sure, its a fight here at home about the dps. And we have noticed Recount and Skada (two of the dmg add ons i use), it dosent always record the same for us. It seems like the range of all the dmg has gone smaller. Or has the game gone bigger? He can be on top of his list and i can be on top of my list. Very irritating... And personally i have noticed for example more then one hunter in the group is bad for me, and dont get me started on the dks. Depending on the buffs i assume... All non mana based class makes me suck. But at least the fights are long so i get a better chance then in dungeons where everything dies before i have come half way thru my rotation. Maby im just a bit to negative against myself? But isnt it what we aim for? To make ourselves better... And if you dont notice yourself you dont get better. I made stupid stupid misstakes last night. Going out to early before pillar of flames and make them lad next to the group. Super smart... Cant just wait untill they have come up and then take a few steps out (since the bloody worms are behind the stupid thing the chains are suppose to be hooked in and all the worms are out of range thanks to it) i managed to whipe the group i think. But most of the misstakes that happend where easy enugh to correct. I think the group is getting more and more movement depending on the situation, and thats nice =)

Or maby its just that no one is listening to me (it feels like that when they ignore my "stack" when they are suppose to stack). Just an example. Finding myself not being on vent and when im there i prefer to not talk as well. Is it my friends i dont feel connected to or is it the game? Is my private life all that i want atm? I am not sure but i dont feel to good gaming tbh. Or have i lost respect for the ones that are not listening to me?  Or maby i just need to have fun on an alt and not be so serious all the time and only log on for raids. But that has been the only thing that i have felt is fun. And i used to be able to hang on vent until my ears was hurting...  I better snap out of this soon *giving myself a warning finger* But alot of things i have predicted about people and the guild... I have been right with it. Im just glad there are still some people in the guild that listens to me and respect what i have to say. Dont think they understand how much tho...
This was when we ended for the day. If Alex wasnt helping the tanks with the adds i wouldnt have beaten him with so much as i did. Grats hun, you truly are the best ;)

And i have a few grats to hand out this time. Shadowtour for being back again. Welcome back and grats to the new apartment so you can be with us full time again. You have been missed. Grats to Gobbshyte who i seriously think will be a good officer. He has great ideas and i hope he will be heard. Grats to my hunnie for being a kick ass dps. And to a very special healer (Druid) that was with again with that character. Really nice healing considering he hasnt played alot on that character.  But seriously, would have been good with better gear to so im very curious to see what the future brings for this player with this character, if he can do that with not the best gear, what can he do with a tier set or something equal? 

I should have had a screen shot of the achievement we got at magmaw. But it dosent look like my add on is working. Maby the patch put the settings as i dont want them. It has happened before... But we got an achievement for not getting any adds on us at that fight. Go us!