Monday, 16 May 2011

Getting into the gaming again

So this weekend i have been playing alot more then i usually do. And considering that i do a million things here at home atm it must mean that im getting back into it and the fun of it. Got another real ID this weekend to. A person i have gone to school with, so no creepy Blackie ;) I had a crush on him from first grade to 7th grade or something. Also got my first kiss from him. Anyway, now we are friends on facebook and since we both are gamers and share an interest, not only memories, it felt good. Besides, he has gone real far in his progression comparing to me so now i got a friend to ask tactics for if there is something i dont understand. Super nice =) But my mage (Angelbaby) has been what i have worked on for hours. She is now the respectable level of 84. Could this mean i have an alt to gear up soon? I that have a problem doing my valor points weekly thing on my main. oi oi oi...

 So last raid wasnt one of my favourite runs. Instead of going to BoT that we where suppose to do we ended up in BWD on the boss we only had one go. I got a bit irritated. Thing was for me i really needed the valor points of 1 boss to be able to buy a back. And i really needed the drakes to go down. Why? They had a back and a head i really wanted. If the head whould have dropped i knew i could spend my valor points on a back. And if the back would have dropped i could have keep on saving for a head.... Perfect scenario. Now we didnt get the drakes down. I have noticed the raid starting to make mistakes at the end of a raid (i am assuming everyone are tired and getting unfocused just like me)

Anyway, we got that boss down i BWD And i didnt do so bad tbh. I dont know who was left in the end, but i know i was one of the few alive. Anyone else that knows who was still alive at the end? So my dps for that boss ended up in the top.

 Recount for the boss we did in BWD. But like i said, alot of people died thats why i ended up in the top. All hail fade!

I keep on doing good at tries at bosses. But i did reset it before due to tank switch

This is my wonderful priest. This is what she really looks like. Out of her shadow form and all. I tend to change her hair and stuff now and then. Depends a bit on what she is wearing. Yes, its a fashion show to!

This is my not as cool mage that i have been working on. She has herbalism and inscription. Very useful to make the cards! Maby that has been my motivation. Its much more easy then doing archaeology. Talking about that, the neck from there is the best a shadow priest can have atm (exceptions are hc raids witch i dont do so thats the best for me)

 Ok, i wanted to take some screen shots for the blog. But after i normal screen shot it looks like this! Whats up with that little bug? Make sure the shot is perfect, you only get one try....

So i have been thinking up another tactic in the stairs that i think can be more efficient then the one we use now. I hope i can get a saying in this next time. The thing is when the shadow one comes at us all i get is a debuff that easily can be dispelled. All that happens when the fire one comes is that i get pushed back. So if i take those adds and make sure i have my back in the right direction i could take them myself. That means we get more dps on the adds and the stairs will go faster and smoother? No pets ninja pulling, i make sure they dont blow up near the tanks... Could it be something they want to try?We will see. My ideas dosent seem to welcome all the time. Lol. But it makes more sense to me...Besides, if i keep on dotting the adds (they go down so fast anyway) i will only goo oom (dots take alot of mana). 

I will prob game tomorrow and hoping we dont loose the connection. The wind is gonna be 13m/s (kind of windy considering our village is surrounded buy fields and the landscape is flat. But it makes it a perfect b-day. Sitting in gaming and doing nothing special. I will have a b-day lunch tomorrow with Alex. But since its gonna be real windy and cold outside hes coming home instead of me coming with a picnic. I will celebrate proper when i turn 30 ;)

Well, we will see tonight if we can get the drakes down and do the council. Time to see  more vids and try to freshen up my memory (i rely on that to not make so many mistakes at bosses).

See you! =)

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